Well, Deep Subject
A week ago, Allen and I were passing through the La Punta plaza on our way home after a nice run and we noticed an elderly Quechua lady smashing bottles and putting them into a bag. Though she was obviously suffering from poverty, my attention was drawn to her two extremely happy dogs. Many poor people in Peru use recycling to cover basic living needs. I immediately thought of our small collection of plastic bottles at home and managed to convince her we were safe enough to accompany home (we only lived a block away) to pick them up. One of our neighbours encouraged us in this, saying the lady could really use the help and that she lived on the beach. The lady herself was smiley and cheerful despite her many rotted out and missing teeth and difficult life, especially when Allen addressed her in Quechua! She explained that life had been difficult for her since husband passed away and told us she’d maybe come to church on Sunday.
Mondays are our day off and often-times we like to go on a little picnic to the beach to relax. Today we ran into her again, bringing a whole flock of sheep home and she showed us where she lived! Later Allen noticed her carrying two 5 gallon pails to a nearby canal to collect water and he went to help her out. She was super thankful. Apparently while we were in the States a number of massive waves hit the coast by La Punta and flooded out her house. Now her well no longer works. We are hoping maybe Allen and Elvis can help her get it flowing again sometime this week and maybe Rosita can have a good chat with her in their shared native tongue.