Monday Update
Today Mary Beth had a good day. She was able to sit up more than she has in weeks. This bodes well for getting through airport lines. Today was packing day before our drive to Lima tomorrow. We gave the house sitter a tour and bought our face shield, which are required to fly on Friday. We made our food for our trip tomorrow as we won't be stopping at any restaurants. Some other Canadians made the trip last Thursday and told us that it took their driver only 13 hours, but they thought he was driving a bit fast, so we'll plan on 15 hours. We hope to leave before 6am. And more good news, Aetna says they'll reimburse our commercial airline flights for Mary Beth!
9:32 pm
Steve Carnazzo, an old friend from Omaha, found a condo for us to stay in while we are in Phoenix. The owners are letting us stay there for free! Praise God for his generous people!